
Shanghai Lions Football Club

Lions survive their first Boot Camp!

We are back to work! The message is clear if we want to repeat last year’s success we need to work harder ! The Boot Camp was a good test and a good push into the right direction! 15 Lions showed up and just by standing at the field they already started to sweat as it was over 35 degrees. The Boot Camp was properly planned by Simon and Azz and before we knew it we were grasping for air and water ! Pre-season fitness is very important to avoid injuries during the season so next time we expect many more Lions to show up! The pictures shows the result after the boot camp of Jonny’s one pack and Michael’s new boots!

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This Wednesday, we have our final round of the Lions summer 7’s. No surprise the Lions are in the final and will have to beat the Krauts to win the tournament. If you come please make sure to register and to be there on time.

Saturday, we will have our first friendly match versus Japan at the Jinqiao Field from 1000-1200. Make sure to register online and if you are new drop us an email that you will come. After the game we will have some beers and cheese beef at Latina. Everybody is welcome to play!

Cheers / Freek


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