Youth Soccer Programs are back with Qiyi-Lions Academy
We are pleased to announce that we are re-starting our Youth Soccer Programs “Qiyi-Lions Academy” in collaboration with QiYi Sport Park.
PS: If you know interested boys or girls; please scan the QR Code to contact us.
Back in 2018, we were having great youth soccer programs with very competitive U16 and U18 teams. We also started a mini Lions program for U8 boys and girls. The idea was throught the U8’s to build a U10’s and close the gap to the U16. Unfortunately, we had to abandon the plan when covid arrived in 2019 and that caused havoc for almost 3 years especially for outdoor sports.
Many youth players left China… Fields were also very hard to get. So, we decided to halt the programs until the situation would become better.
Thanks to our cooperation with QiYi Sport Park, we are pleased to have set up the QiYi-Lions Academy. We start with trainings on Saturday morning:
- AM 09:00-10:30 for U6-U9 boys & girls
- AM 10:30-12:00 for U10-U13 boys & girls
The basic principle for us is that at this age groups trainings should be fun and there should be no pressure on the children. With a free and open mind, the players will have more opportunities to master the soccer skills and grow their confidence as individual player and as a team of players.
Our objective is that all players should arrive with a smile and leave with a smile!
In order to do so, we have a great set-up with Peter & Samba; both excellent Lions Senior players with plenty of coaching experience. They will make sure the players enjoy each session, learn and improve their football skills. The training session will be designed by Terao-san who has been a professional skill training coach for Coerver Coaching in Japan & in China. He even had Liverpool professional player Endo as one of his student when he was coach in Japan. When Terao worked in China, he also played for the Lions Senior & Legend team.
Both Yamada-san & myself will help to manage the program and see how we can expand from here.
Exciting times! Let’s make the kids happy & smile!
Happy Freek